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[Épinglé] January Anglophone Topic of the month: Digitization and online presence

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Digitization is “the process of changing data into a digital form that can be easily read and processed by a computer” (Source: Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries).

According to the 2020 UNESCO Report “Museums around the World in the Face of COVID-19”, only 5% of museums in Africa and the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) could establish digital presence, making it difficult to draw up an inventory of their collections, which therefore remain more vulnerable in the face of risks such as natural disasters or illicit trafficking.

Digitization offers solutions to the preservation and increased access to valuable collections and provides more accessibility to users of these collections. Museums store historical objects, but not all objects from the museums can be exhibited openly, in particular when they are in poor condition because of their age and/or fragile nature.

This is why more and more museums in Africa and globally are now digitizing their collections. This is the case for the Robben Island Museum which, through the project « Unboxing Mayibuye - Access to digital heritage », undertook the digitization of anti-apartheid movement archives with the aim to extend access to its collections to wider audiences in order to preserve the memory of South Africa's anti-colonial and anti-apartheid struggles.

Another example is the “Digital Benin” project, a digital platform which brings together objects, historical photographs and documentation material from collections worldwide to provide an overview of the royal artefacts from Benin Kingdom (present Nigeria) looted in the late nineteenth century. It has allowed to connect data from 5,246 objects across 131 institutions in20 countries.

Week 1

What are the advantages and disadvantages of digitizing museums collections? How can the youth tap into the opportunities created by digitization of Museum collections?

Week 2

Are there examples of digitization projects you have been working on, and what are the skills and tools needed to develop these kinds of projects?

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Hello, happy new year all and thanks for brought in another important topic to discuss.

I think museum digitization is crucial in preserving and conserving the collections that found in our museums. For example, objects, archives, libraries, they can all be protected for future generations. Recently we are in globalized world so automatically we entered in a modern digital era. Technology now makes our life easier, and museums is one among of the institution which benefit from it. Digitization in museums not only reduces people's difficulties accessing information but also saves valuable time. However, there are some places African where digital technologies are not being fully utilized. Therefore, digital literacy is sensitized and promoted not only among educated persons but also in the general public because its importance will increase day by day. Digitization offers a flexible and interactive access to the museum collection and prevent them from damaging by handling or other means.

The disadvantage of digitization is that they are reducing engagement as the result it led to low experience, it loose emotional experiences collections are not experienced in term of touch are olfactory and intangible heritage is most affected by this. Digitization also diminishing historical significance. Digitization it requires specialist technique skills and it involve resources.

So, what I think is that there is a need to create permanent and collaborative platform because digitization requires high demand in requirement of professional specialist. So, it could be better if we invest in youth through empower them with skills that later on could be useful and helpful in digitizing our museums. Again, I also think youth could use this chance to become more creative and utilize the digital technology effectively for the betterment of African museums.



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Tsholo Kenathetswe
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Posté par: @zuhura

So, what I think is that there is a need to create permanent and collaborative platform because digitization requires high demand in requirement of professional specialist.

I agree with you because digitization will no longer mean the work is entirely on the IT officers, but rather it means the entire museum personnel needs to be well equipped with digital literacy in order to meet the demands of the evolving expectations of customers/the public.


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@zuhura Happy New Year to you too.

I agree that digital literacy in Africa still has a long way to go. 

Data released by mobile industry insights company Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA) showed that by the end of 2021, 5.3 billion people had subscribed to mobile services, representing 67% of the global population.

The survey showed mobile phone subscribers stood at 46 per cent in Sub-Saharan Africa, while smartphone adoption was at 64 per cent. This is expected to grow to 50 per cent and 75 per cent respectively by 2025. 

As you also mentioned digitization does have the possibility of reducing the engagements of people with museums, however what I love in particular about digitization is the fact that as some of the museum collections and World Heritage Sites are affected by issues such as climate change, we are able to see how they were before and have a record of the changes they go through through time changes.

I agree that there are many opportunities that digitization and online presence brings forth, and the youth can tap to these career opportunities. 

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@nmbure I agree with you about the trend and with time I think digitization of cultural heritage will help a lot to preserve the information that could be affected on one way or another with climatic changes or other factors.

Tsholo Kenathetswe
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New season greetings everyone!

Digitization has revolutionized many industries and it has made service provision very convinient to the public. For this i would say digitizing museum collections brings convinience to the plublic as it brings in various communications tools that can be used by the diverse communities, young, old and those living with disabilities. This further support that digitization of the collections can reach even far areas, even those remote at any time needed for access by the general public without them taking long and expensive travels to museum centres. Public enquiries on museum collections can also be effeciently done through the advanced digital tools, hence the convinience of digitization.

Although digitization has brough effeciency to many areas, it can however have a negative impact on the social values of  communities and the general public:
It makes communities to loose social connections with the collections which could be their source of identity and priding themselves through attachment with them as they will only viewing them in visuals just to give an example and not the actual physical interaction. This then weakens the strength of the social values communities used to attach to such collections.

Digitization of museum collections can also bring a loss of interaction between the public and collections. During visits at museums, the public usually grow this in-person experience and personal connection with collections, but bringing in digitization will mean such will no longer be experienced. This will at some point change the public persperctives towards museum collections, with possible loss of meaning and values attached to the collections.

Museum centres are suppose to be more of learning and interaction environments where personal expressions can take place while appreciating collections. However, i see digitization making that disconnections. Interaction of people and sharing of perspectives becomes limited.

For youth opportunities created by digitization of museum collections, i would say this is an opportunity for youth to make a great impact in the area as they have the innovative potential to embrace digital tools.  It may open up opportunities for them in terms of employment for they are mostly the generation equipped with digital literacy, i think they are in a better position than the old. There are also entrepreneurship opportunities that youth can tap into for instance creating safe digital spaces to attract other young people to museum works and collections. 

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@Tsholo, I agree with you, and I like the statement of in-personal experience and personal experience with the collection as we are digitizing museum collection, we also kill the bond that exist between communities and their collections in the end they lost meaning. For example, some objects were not meant to be accessed by everyone so, if we digitize them, they will lose the meaning and privacy will no longer be observed.

Tsholo Kenathetswe
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@zuhura exactly and with time the meaning of the collections may be compromised, hence generations to come will miss the authentic values of such collections. So it's important that careful considerations are made that certain works or collections are not affected by the digital tools.

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@Tsholo Exactly I agree with you about the careful considerations and probably that is what museums of 21 century is doing.

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Happy New Year to you too!

Thank you for the contribution, I would like to think that thanks to digitization as you have already mentioned in your post, that we are able to experience and visit different collections that would be too expensive to visit physically or even experience weren't it for digitization.

One of the issues we are tackling as part of the youth museum forum is the fact that there is low numbers when it comes to attendance in African Museums. The visitors become a one off and are unlikely to visit the same museum twice. 

The opportunity to see something in real versus the physical is indeed a plus but in some cases it might not always be possible. As we reflect on last month's topic, we can see traveling museums becoming channels through which audiences can experience artefacts and history through digitization.

The youth are indeed the most technologically savvy population and can explore the many opportunities available in digitization and online presence of museums.   

Tsholo Kenathetswe
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@nmbure that is true and like at times the digitization may not necessarily serve only the purposes of retrieving collections in museums but also to offer flexible service to the public, especially the youth as the most tech savvy generation. Digitizations gives them an improved accessibility service at fingertips.

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Hello colleague!

I'm eager to learn and hear from you if there is any work of digitization projects that you have been working on, and what are the skills and tools needed to develop these kinds of projects. On my side I haven't done yet, but I am expecting to be engaged in a project of digitizing the German graves that are found at Pangani district in Tanzania. I am so excited because the topic came at a right time.  

1 Réponse
Tsholo Kenathetswe
Inscription: Il y a 2 ans

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@zuhura hello.....myself too have not yet been involved in any digitization kind of projects.

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We are now in Digital age almost every thing is now online, digitalization of museums is a welcome Development because the artifact or the museum objects will be safe damage or stealing since the visitor can only see them either online or Digital in the gallery the Chance of visiting museum will be easier since you can access the museums online like wise this will help the museum to know the real number of visitors both online and at the gallery the digital museums will bost the revenue generated by the museums 

Digitalization of Museums can reduce the number of visitors to the museums since you can access the museums online or when you visit the museums you can not see the real object so that emotions is no longer there. The digital museum will provide job opportunities to the youth by advertising the museums site and selling the token to access in to the online Museum like wise providing updating and maintenance of the digital equipment

Yes there are example of such digitalization project of rock art that we make 3D picture of the rock painting the skills required is good photographer and editor the tools required are cameras with different lens and and computer for editing


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